domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

Week #4


The weather for today y a little cloudy and maybe will rain in some places of the city, the maximum temperature will be fourteen degrees and minimum will be nine degrees.
For tomorrow at morning will be cluody and in the afternoon will rain, the maximum temperature will be seventeen degrees and minimum will be ten degrees.
To the tuesday the weather will be rainy all day, the maximum temperature will be sixteen degrees and minimum will be ten degrees.
And the wednesday the weather will be day same in the morning but hope that in the afternoon the sun comes out by a little time, the maximum temperature will be sixteen degrees and minimum will be ten degrees.

domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

Week #3


1. He's a metallurgist, He works with the metals and give them a form using the fire.
2. 3. They're a policeman and a policewoman, they protect us from the bad people.
4. She's a politician and she makes and deletes the laws with other politicians.
5. 6. They're a postman and a postwoman and their work is give us the letters in our houses.
7. He's a priest, he professes the religion and his God.
8. He's a reporter, he searches, writes and tells the news in the newspaper.
9. He's a scientist and makes a lot of experiments with chemicals.
10. She's a secretary and she haves to write letters, answer the calls and helps the boss.
11. She's a singer, She launches albums and discs, and sing around the world.
12. He's a soldier and his work is protect us from the baddest people and defend the country.
13. She's a teacher and teaches the other people new knownledges.
14. He's a truckman and he drives a truck around the country with different kind of mechandise.
15. She's a typographer and she specialized about the typefaces.
16. He's a woodworker adn he cuts the trees in the forest to sell the wood.

jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

Week #2


He wakes up at 5:00 am and later gets up at 5:30 am, then he takes a shower at 5:35 am and inmediatly gets dressed, after that, at 5:50 am he's ready to takes his breakfast and at 6:15 am goes to the work. He arrives to the work at 7:00 am after a long trip in the bus, and work until 5:00 pm with a lunch time from 12:00 pm until 1:30 pm. When he finishes the work, arrives at home at 6:00 pm and plays guitar at 6:20 pm, his favorite hooby and after all and he's tired, takes his dinner at 8:00 pm and when finishes he washes the dishes, later watch TV around a half hour and finally goes to sleep at 9:00 pm to finish a long day.